MaKayla is a creative person at the core, always thinking of fantasy worlds and scenarios that bleed onto paper or canvas. Ever curious about making of things, she’s obtained a wide range of skills over the years that include sculpting, sewing, drawing, painting, digital art, and writing about the fantastical worlds that blossom from passing thoughts.
From age 15 onward, she’s freelanced as an artist and illustrator. She has a few published illustrative works under her name in children’s books and YA. Now older, her artwork has taken a bolder stance, but still retain their story telling nature.
She’s taken a step back from freelancing art to work at a local store in management to advance personal projects and learn new skills. And although her writing career is taking a slow start in comparison, it’s quickly heating up. Working full time does not stop her from late nights fueled by inspirations that NEED to be heard.
Unique traits: Sharp eyes and high cheekbones