My name is Silviana Carter (Visan),
I'm an author, actress, life coach, hypnotherapist and trainer at Gratian Sonu Meditation School!
In my early career I was a Maths teacher.
Thanks to my many trainings, I am able to see reality from many different perspectives, but if I wouldn’t have attended Grațian Sonu's School, I would have omitted a very important part of myself: the emotional intelligence, as I used to believe that rational intelligence means everything, according to my previous trainings.
To feel has become my new religion, along with Gratian Sonu's DFMT meditation, the light speed mediation, as I like to call it, for which you don't need any meetings with anyone, or retreats, but only with yourself, short, high impact, and successful ones!
While I was in acting school, UNATC, I realized that if I want to finish college I have to shift my brains from the rational side, to the emotional side, or else I won't finish!
Then, after my graduation, I met the actress and director Clara Flores who trained me and I won the Best Actress Award at the Young Actor's Hop Gala, given by Ștefan Iordache, Emilia Popescu and Marius Manole, which made me very happy.
I performed in several theatres in Bucharest and around the country, in underground venues, and I am the actress and writer of two theater plays:
''Stand up pls'' written together with Vera Ion and Sorin Poama, as part of the project „Scrie despre tine” in the role of Cleo Popa performed at the Act Theatre, and
''Feisbuc Lover'' written together with Ramona Iacob, directed by Misa Serban, in the role of Sonia, played for the first time at Godot Theatre.
Other roles:
Award for Best Actress at the Gala of the Young Actor-Hop-Mangalia for the monologue "Ana Bodea-sudor electric" by Ecaterina Oproiu, awarded by the panel of judges: Felix Alexa, Stefan Iordache, Marius Manole, Cristina Modreanu, Emilia Popescu
"Heidi, the mountain girl" directed by Catalin Mitulescu
"We were not born in the right place" by Alice Monica Marinescu and David Schwartz.
Veta in the series "Clanu' Spranceana "Antena1 by Andi Lupu
Actress in the production "PULSE", a contemporary dance-theatre and dialectic language performance, based on an idea from 'The Lord of the Flies' by W. Golding, directed and choreographed by Javier Opazo, managed by Alexandru Mihaescu.
Actress in the lead role as Iarna for the play "If that guy is with that girl, that guy's girl is with whom?" by Mimi Branescu, directed by Eugen Padureanu, G.A. Petculescu Theatre in Resita.
"Little Spartan", directed by Dragos Iuga - CNC funding
Actress in the role of the nun Genevieve in the play "The two orphans" by Eugen Mirea and H.Malineanu, directed by George Ivascu
Actress in the role of the woman in "Assembly of Women" by Aristophanes, Ovidiu Theatre in Constanta.
Actress "F2" in "The Day Nothing Happened" by Antoaneta Zaharia, directed by Clara Flores Aguilera (production transferred from Casandra to DESANT Theatre) for my Bachelor’s degree.
Actress in the show "Bacanta" from "Bacantele" directed by Mihai Manutiu, Tony Bulandra Theatre in Targoviste during the International Festival of Alternative Theatre in Montenegro
Actress in the role of the Country Girl in "Cocosul negru" by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Mircea Anca, Tony Bulandra Theatre - Targoviste.
Actress -collaborator in the performance "Little or our great stability" directed by Mihai Manutiu, "Escape" by Eva Pervolovici
"Casting Popescu" directed by Gheorghe Preda
"Together" directed by Leonardo Costache
Lead character, Cristina, in the reality show "Sa te prezint parintilor" on Antena1
Medium on Prima-TV in the reality show "Dragostea de la Clejani" with Viorica and Ionita de la Clejani
Soap opera "Ingerasii" Acasa Tv
Waitress in "The sailor's girls" Antena1
Roles in U.N.A.T.C and Casandra
Botoghina's Anghelina in "Morometii" by Marin Preda directed by Adriana Popovici and Mirela Gorea
Gena in " Titanic Waltz" by Tudor Musatescu directed by Mirela Gorea and Doru Ana
Jo in " The Taste of Honey" by Delane'y Shelagh directed by Diana Lupescu
Safta in " Raceala" by Marin Sorescu directed by Liviu Lucaci
Anfisa in " Three Sisters" by A.P.Chekhov directed by Puiu Serban and Stefan Velniciuc
Queen Margaret in " Richard the Third" by W.Shakespeare directed by Stefan Velniciuc and Puiu Serban
The Sosie from "Amphitrion" by Moliere directed by Puiu Serban
Alcmena in " Amphitrion " by Moliere directed by Puiu Serban
Antigona in "Antigona" by Sophocles, directed by Dan Lacatusu
Mustard - 'La minute' directed by RADU MUNTEAN
Plays in which I participated:
collaboration- Antena 1 - Frutty-Fresh, in HORIA BRENCIU's show 'Summer on the beach'.
collaboration Pro-Tv - Frutty-Fresh, in the show "ORA 7 BUNA DIMINEATA" of MARIUS VINTILA
Acting workshops:
Metropolis Theatre the workshop "David Esrig and the avant-garde in theatre" by David Esrig
"Theatre without frontiers" workshop of sports theatre with Keith Johnstone improvisation exercises coordinated by Mihaela Sarbu
U.N.A.T.C. I. L. CARAGIALE BUCURESTI, workshop on writing and producing a solo-performance and improvisation workshop, held by Prof. Eric Trules from the University of Southern California. U.S.A
Workshop "Write about yourself" by director Vera Ion and actor Sorin Poama
pantomime and tap dance classes at Mr Dan Puric's school.
Important Projects
I founded Improhaz, a theatrical improvisation group with which I have preformed donzen of shows in underground venues.
My dream is to be the Montessori of emotional intelligence, combining Montessori method with the latest findings from this century in emotional intelligence. Nowadays, emotional intelligence has become an essential need not only for children but also for adult of all ages.
Therefore, 11 years ago I started working in Montessori private kindergartens and after schools, with a course called "Recognition of Emotions through acting and pantomime games". The course is very successful among children aged 3 to 13 and since 4 years ago, I also started working with adults with a course called "Improvisation with Emotions".
In the meantime, I founded the project „Tree of Emotions”, in collaboration with coach-hypnotherapist Emilian Ciprian Ene, painter Raluca Axinte, graphic designer George Palici, and last but not least the ewmotional intelligence scientist Grațian Sonu.
Soon after, the online Tree of Emotions Educational Centre was born during the pandemic period. And this gave me the hope that I could reach more children - Romanians in the country and abroad, therefore children from France, Reșița, Craiova and Iași, but also children from Bucharest who couldn’t attend in person, could now access the program online.
I have in plan to write a couple of books, on the extremely important topics of parenting and emotional intelligence.
I am currently working on the „Feel and Grow Rich” book, together with Emilian Ene.