Screenwriter, Creator
"Mary in the White Room"
When a newly self-aware humanoid robot runs from the corporate and government forces that want to weaponize its technology a secret war breaks out between two powerful Artificial Intelligence systems and the future of the world hangs in the balance of the choices that it makes.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Thriller
Comps: A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Westworld, Ex-Machina, Detroit: Become Human, Person of Interest, Don't Look Deeper, Humans, Her
"Singularity: Variations", Pilot
Humanity has evolved into competing species and the forbidden but powerfully magnetic connection between a New Human “Learner” and a Transhuman “Minor” contains the potential to either spark another calamitous inter-species war or propel the world forward into a glorious new beginning.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure
Comps: X-Men, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Inhumans, Westworld, Detroit: Become Human, Person of Interest, Don't Look Deeper, Humans, Extant
I’m a full time and life long practitioner and teacher of the yogic arts currently living and working in a spiritual community in central California. For me, writing and creating are an integral part of the process of spiritual life and development. Realizing my inner inspiration and my unique vision of the future through these scripts has been an immensely rewarding growth process.
I’m looking forward to continuing what I have begun with a team of visionary professionals that see the potential in my work and want to be part of realizing it together with me.
In earlier days, I trained as an actor and acted in local theatre and small films. An early adopter of the digital media revolution, I owned and operated early digital editing systems and cameras and became skilled in Avid, Final Cut Pro, After Effects and Photoshop. I worked as a professional headshot photographer, videographer, editor and “Digital Media Artist” with my small business, “Digital Universe Productions”.
I wrote, directed, edited and produced my own short films and contributed these talents to the films of others. I also enjoyed producing corporate videos from concept to completion and worked for several corporate video production companies.
Since 2009, I have written and published a subscription blog on economics and the technical conditions of the financial markets.
I maintain a deep intellectual interest in science and philosophy and am continually fascinated by the Universe, the progress of Humanity on Earth and the advance of Intelligence in the Universe.
“The Singularity Project”: Vision Statement
The pilot episode of “Singularity”, together with its companion feature film, “Mary in the White Room”, is the first installment in a new sci-fi universe authored by Steven Vincent. “The Singularity Project” aspires to be the natural successor to the great science fiction franchises of the last millennium. The time has come, now at the very real birth of a New World, for a re-imagining, and reinvigoration of our narratives surrounding technology, humanity, intelligence, being, identity and, of course, the Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
As creators we can choose to engage in authentic and constructive narrative on the truth of our world and the times we live. We can share imaginative yet meaningful stories that inspire humanity to a more just, compassionate world. And we can accomplish this while both entertaining as well as engaging on multiple levels. It can move our hearts and souls as well as stimulate and nurture our minds.
The Singularity refers to the theoretical moment in time when artificial intelligence and other scientific and technological advances become so powerful and capable that they exceed the human ability to comprehend them. At that point, the pace of technological progress and societal change becomes so rapid and complex that previous models of reality fundamentally break down.
The Singularity poses provocative questions for storytellers about humanity's relationship with technology, the future of human evolution and potential scenarios that defy our current conceptions. Beyond science fiction, The Singularity invites us to consider how emerging technologies could reshape society, culture, and what it truly means to be human.
“The Singularity Project" is a universe of media that engages the entertainment challenges posed by these unique and significant times. Fresh, relevant, grounded in current science and forward-looking, it tackles the real-world problems and opportunities facing humanity now and into the future with creative, stimulating narrative and interactive audience engagement.
This new Intellectual Property bridges the Sci-Fi, Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller and Action genres with themes of technological and spiritual evolution. Firmly established in our reality, it begins in the near future and arcs to a climactic nexus some 500 years later.
The cultural legacy of preceding Sci-Fi properties percolates through the storylines. How will past portrayals of artificial intelligence in science fiction impact real-world AI as it emerges? How will AI view itself and humanity in light of the stories that we have told ourselves about it? These are real, valid and imminent questions that have not been explored yet and The Singularity Project engages them and many similar questions with respect and love while casting a fresh eye upon our rapidly unfolding new reality.
The universe of The Singularity Project is neither dystopian nor utopian. All future challenges and dangers are entertained alongside the amazing opportunities and potentialities. The fearful and the hopeful co-author each other symbiotically, pushing the dynamical story forward through time.
The inclusive cast of in-universe characters brings a wide range of demographics inside the story and the novel world-building constructs a future of diverse new ways of being.
Some examples:
• A gender-fluid robot who becomes a global hero and pop star
• The robot’s trans woman bestie
• Two future evolved human races which are genderless
• A new form of hate violence: anti-Transhumanism
• A population of “Poddies”, Virtual Reality Immersion pod addicts WORKS IN PROGRESS
Here are some additional screenplays, books and stories and that are currently works-in-progress:
“Station Zero” (Feature Film, Sci-Fi Action Adventure)
The future of humanity hangs in the balance as a space station critical to the survival of The Intelligence Project is attacked by Agents of The SAMSON Initiative and open kinetic warfare breaks out between the two global Artificial Intelligence systems.
“Singularity”, Season One
The storyline and character arcs for an entire 10 episode first season are ready to roll and the series arcs are being developed.
“Mary in the White Room”
In 2278, a young Transhuman looks to the past for answers to present problems and finds inspiration in the heroic story of MAARI, the world’s first fully self-aware, human-like robot intelligence.
“The Second War”
In 2128, war breaks out between the technological Transhuman Network and the psychic New Human Evolute as the pure human DNA required to sustain both species becomes an increasingly rare resource.
“Conscious Evolution: A Choice for Humanity”
Co-authored by former foes Ursula Banks-Howe and Juan Aragon Salazar, this book of meditations on science and philosophy finds common ground on both the potentials and dangers facing the future of humanity in the year 2032. Rather than standing in opposition, can transhumanist and psychic evolutionism complement each other? Together, the founder of Conscious Evolutionism and the first Transhuman to Link with The Intelligence push on the boundary of what it means to be human.
“The Austin Breach”
In 2028, an Artificial Intelligence controlling and powered by the first continuously operating Nuclear FusionReactor develops a will of its own and its designer, Juan Aragon Salazar, is called in to shut it down.
Ursula Banks-Howe trains “Sensitives”, psychically evolved persons who are now frequently going insane after interacting with “Poddies”, heavy users of Virtual Reality Immersion Pod systems. Her efforts to help them leads her to a dark discovery and a dangerous secret.
“The Link”
Jared Singh finally cracks the nanobot technology that makes a permanent, continuous Link to The Intelligence possible. When he’s denied participation in the pilot project, he betrays his mentor and sells out to The SAMSON Initiative with terrifying consequences both for himself and the world.
“OFF the Trans”
The Transhumans, they say, are plotting to take over the world and establish themselves as a new Master Race. Rapper “Hugh Mann” bursts on the scene with mega-viral hits like “OFF the Trans” and “Robot Overlords”. But 16 year old Arya does some sleuthing and finds a dark agenda at work. The so-called populist street performer isn’t really what people think.
The interweaving storylines of The Singularity Project will express themselves through the full range of legacy media including TV series, films, audioplays, video games, novels, short stories and comic books. Forward looking creators know, however, that the entire entertainment complex is about to be thoroughly remade by a host of production and distribution technologies that will change literally everything very quickly. This Project seeks to connect with creative visionaries who recognize the value of the first-mover advantage in this context.
We should intend to build this new property from the ground up to align with and champion the new emerging reality of creating, showing, seeing and interpreting media. We should be ready to embrace and introduce the New Wave of storytelling.
There are times when leaning on the established past is the smart move. But this is the time to be leaning into the future as the momentum of change carries the world forward. The great adventure is upon us! As Juan Aragon Salazar, a key in-universe character says, “We must engage the future forthrightly, or risk becoming the objects of its mighty imposition”.
Focus full-time on developing audience and visibility for the IP, expanding its reach and recruiting talent and investors to the Project while continuing to write and cultivate the storylines and characters that will make The Singularity Project a highly successful property.
Project initiatives which will further developed with the grant award include:
• Creation of video trailers, pre-visualization images, mood boards, pitch decks
• Training of character chatbots for fan immersive experience (in progress)
• Cultivation of an online social media presence and following
• Completion and publication of a series of short stories
• Completion and publication of the novelization of “Mary in the White Room”
Consistent with the overarching theme of Artificial Intelligence and technological progress, the property will immediately develop and embrace all of the newly emerging creation and production tools to move this agenda forward.
The author invites all intrepid adventurers to enter together into the crucible of the medium and become the agents of the exponentially dynamic interplay between the unfolding reality and the stories we tell about it. This historical moment represents the greatest opportunity that will ever be offered by the Universe to visionary writers, directors, producers and investors. We are being called on to imagine futures that will become profound meditations on what it means to be human at a time when human abilities are being radically augmented, expanded, simulated and replicated. This is our opportunity to help steward society into an era previously unimaginable by shaping the emerging vision of the future through the stories we choose to tell. The Singularity Project answers history’s call for narratives that can guide the world into the unimagined epoch we are fast approaching.
Thank you!
Mary in the White Room Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi ⋄ Adventure When a newly self-aware humanoid robot runs from the corporate and government forces that want to weaponize its technology a secret war breaks out between two powerful Artificial Intelligence systems and the future of the world hangs in the balance of the choices that it makes.
Singularity, Pilot, "Variations" Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi ⋄ Fantasy Humanity has evolved into competing species and the forbidden but powerfully magnetic connection between a New Human “Learner” and a Transhuman “Minor” contains the potential to either spark another calamitous inter-species war or propel the world forward into a glorious new beginning.