Writer-producer Dena Dizdar Plumer draws from her 25 years in advertising and marketing to create meaningful work that taps into what resonates with audiences today. Her focus is on female-driven projects and those that shine a light on the underrepresented. She earned her MFA in TV and Screenwriting from Stephens College.
Fundamentals Of Script Supervising
TAKE ME TO PONCA CITY Drama A high school forensics teacher, married to a wealthy art dealer with nefarious connections, is on the run after her husband goes missing. When three of her students use what she taught them to track her down, they uncover the secrets that drive each of their lives.
DRIFT Drama After witnessing her client commit murder, an attorney creates a new identity and takes refuge onboard a residential cruise ship. She soon finds out her new world is no safer than the last.
Semifinalist in Stage 32's Television Drama contest with TAKE ME TO PONCA CITY
Quarterfinalist in ScreenCraft's Screenwriting Fellowship
Finalist in Television Academy Foundation Drama Scriptwriting Internship
Stephens College