Originally from the state of Massachusettes, My Father told me to go West, young Man. So I ended up in Los Angeles, realizing years later that my Father was just trying to get rid of me. With all that love and support, I became the prolific writer I am today.
I have sold scripts to Crown International Pictures and Castle Productions (Comedy), Co-written and adapted several Historical Dramas such as 'The Execution of John Gordon' and Bellevue Avenue (about the Gilded Age), and had the opportunity to work with Martin Scorsese, however, the finances fell through. I'm currently working on a Comedy Horror called 'Zombie Poop.'
As an actor, I most recently played Thomas Aquinas for 'Saints and Scoundrels' on EWTN.
Unique traits: -Spermologist (That's a trivia expert you dirty birds!) - 'Little Jimmy' Cartoonist (The Dislexic Cartoonist)
Super Mommy Comedy Galaxy Gal’s biological clock is a ticking time bomb. This superhero thinks she wants a baby... until she accidentally gets pregnant. Now she's battling morning sickness, evil villains, and an upstart sidekick gunning for her job. To make matters worse, the baby’s growth is super accelerated, and the father is a totally clueless civilian.
Roger Williams University