In this entertaining Irish short comedy about a life lesson learned, Mickey and the in laws are having some serious issues. He's sick of their procrastinatin...
Student short film starring Alan Delaney as 'Terry' and featuring Gary Michael Rutledge as 'The Young Fella'. This is the very first short film that I attempted to direct. Starring Alan Delaney & Gary Michael Rutledge. Produced by Oleg Rudkovskij in association with Pulse College. Written by Kevin Gorman.
Webisode 3 of sitcom web series Our Best Friend's a Zombie! Starring Alan Delaney, John Dalgarno, Gary Michael Rutledge & Steve Dunne. Produced by Steve Dunne & Gary Michael Rutledge. Written by Steve Dunne. Directed by Steve Dunne & Oleg Ru. This no budget episode was written in an hour, and had no rehearsals or planning!
Webisode 2 of sitcom web series Our Best Friend's a Zombie! Starring Alan Delaney, John Dalgarno, Gary Michael Rutledge & Steve Dunne. Produced by Steve Dunne & Gary Michael Rutledge. Written by Steve Dunne. Directed by Steve Dunne & Gary Michael Rutledge. This no budget episode was written in an hour, and had no rehearsals or planning!
Webisode 1 of horror comedy web series Our Best Friend's a Zombie! Starring Alan Delaney, John Dalgarno & Gary Michael Rutledge. Produced by Steve Dunne & Gary Michael Rutledge. Written & Directed by Steve Dunne. This no budget episode was written in an hour, and had no rehearsals or planning!
This video is about Peter McCoy & Steve Dunne Improv - Man Needs a Helping Hand at the Bar...
This video is about Alan Delaney & Steve Dunne Improv - Interrogating Jack at the Bar