Nick Herbert was born on Guam, but no one usually knows where that is, so he just says he’s from Tampa, which has been his home for over fifteen years. While visiting family in Australia, his grandfather got him into creating his own stories and he hasn’t stopped since.
Despite this, Nick had no idea he could be a writer and graduated undergrad with degrees in Geography and Business. He was unfulfilled at several jobs before becoming a National Park Ranger, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He wrote in his spare time and saved up to go to film school.
Nick loves science fiction, particularly with a comedic element to it, because he delights in finding humanity in robots, aliens, and interdimensional horrors. He’s asked several people to describe his writing voice, and all have said something to the effect of “basically sarcastic,” a statement he basically agrees with.
Code of the Void Sci-fi ⋄ Comedy When the test of humanity’s first dark-matter-powered spaceship goes wrong, its cocky rookie commander lands in the middle of an alien pirate spaceship with no way home.
Operation: Curveball Thriller ⋄ Comedy In 1965, at the height of the Cold War, American and Cuban baseball players square off for a goodwill series in Havana. However, the new American relief pitcher is an inept CIA plant tasked with assassinating Fidel Castro.
Drones Sci-fi ⋄ Comedy In a dystopian world, an underachiever is laid off due to automation and conscripted to work as a mechanic for robot soldiers in a corporate war. When he realizes one of his robots is sentient, he wakes up to a new reality and must fight for robotic free will.
Secession of the Plebs Historical ⋄ Drama In the nascent Roman Republic, a mistreated former soldier reluctantly allies with a cynical senator to improve conditions for the plebeian class, risking mass upheaval just as Rome faces invasion.
Florida State University Film School
University of Florida