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By Francisco Castro

GENRE: Thriller, Action

When a CIA operative hunts down the rogue spy who murdered his father, he uncovers a conspiracy that began in his childhood and reaches all the way to the White House.

Matthew Parvin

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Maurice Vaughan

Sounds thrilling, Francisco Castro.

It seems like "uncovers a conspiracy" is the inciting incident instead of "When a CIA operative hunts down the rogue spy who murdered his father."

Here's a logline suggestion: "After a CIA operative uncovers a conspiracy that began in his childhood and reaches all the way to the White House, he tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/sets out to/fights/battles/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) so/in order to ________ (stakes).

I think you should save "hunts down the rogue spy who murdered his father" for the synopsis.

Tasha Lewis

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Nate Rymer

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Marcos Fizzotti

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