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A Civil Rights lawyer becomes a target of an unhinged stalker after setting him free.
Robert Dale is a professional lawyer and social activist who believes that he and his employer Jabidah “Jeb” Cornell are protecting people of color from police brutality and racial profiling, one day Jeb has him defend a man named Henry Jefferson who is jailed and facing criminal charges for domestic abuse. Robert defends him and gets him off but that is when the nightmare begins.
Soon Robert learns Henry cannot get a job and was fired from his previous one and gives him odd jobs to do around his house and help his family, one day Robert gets into an argument with his neighbor Nelson Abell and when Henry finds out he goes over and makes threats towards Nelson and when nearly beats him up. Then one day while his wife Jenn is driving her kids to the park she is cut off, at the park she confronts the man who did so, and he is polite and apologizes, but Henry comes up and assaults the man scaring Jenn that she gets her kids and leaves and tells Robert and that she does not want him around. So they let him go, but soon Henry starts stalking Robert and his family, and with no choice Robert turns to the police, and one of the officers Jack Dixon agreed and introduced him to the family of Henry’s ex-girlfriend who is now dead and they show him pictures of how Henry abused her, leading him to realize just how dangerous Henry is, and that the reason for his termination was that his employers suspected him of using a fake name as Henry Jefferson does not exists.
Heading to a different county for more information, Robert soon learns that Henry’s real name is Simon Cabot, and he has a long criminal record, and realizes Simon is a violent and unstable criminal. When Robert goes to Jeb about this, he learns to his fury that Jeb knew who Simon was and covered it up to make him look like a victim, caring more about making his clients even the guilty ones look like innocent victims so he could profit and advance his career, even using fake witnesses and fake evidence upsetting Robert that he cares more about his image and money then helping the innocent and his family. That night police help set up protection for Robert and his family, and Robert comes to understand them better. Then Simon fakes his death and with Robert and his family’s guard down Simon attacks and Robert fights him and knocks him aside, running outside Jack and his family shoot and kill a knife wielding Simon, when Jeb plans a wrongful death suit Robert uses a wire to expose Jeb ruin his career and have him arrested. Robert continues his work but takes some time off with his family.
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