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A young teen wanting to win back his ex-girlfriend visits her and ends up in a Die Hard scenario.
Jack Parker learns that his new girlfriend was using him, and cheating on him, and dumps her and decides to win back his ex-girlfriend Cassie Danio who is at a Dramatic Arts school, and he tells her what happened and needs to talk to her. Cassie is expecting him and decides to have him play music with her song, but her new friend and potential love interest Roger Keene not wanting him to win her back tricks him into going into getting locked into the basement and tricks the school staff into thinking he is trespassing meanwhile a group of terrorist led by Mason Abbott take over wanting to steal a cache of money that was hidden beneath the school before it was set up.
Jack slips through the air vent and finds out what is happening and tries to contact the police which he is able to do. Eventually a pair of cops Ryan Adison and Hank Gordon finds out and calls the other cops in, and the cops arrive led by Commissioner David Farmer and try to find a way in. Abbott and his men learn that someone alerted the cops and try to find out and find Jack who passes himself off as a homeless street kid who snuck in for a place to place to stay and fools them in order to protect Cassie and begins avoiding the terrorist who begin hunting him. Cassie learns its Jack and remains silent to protect him and becomes upset at Roger.
Ryan, Hank, and David soon learn who Jack really is, and soon an arrogant reporter finds out and inadvertently exposes Jack’s identity and kids at his regular school find out. Abbott learns Jack’s identity and sends the hostages to the roof and takes Cassie hostage Jack manages to alert the authorities that Abbott intends to blow up the roof and escape amidst the panic and wreckage, David has a bomb Technicon tell Jack how to disarm the bomb while David gets the hostages off the roof, and after learning Abbott took Cassie hostage he goes after them.
Abbott and his men find the money and forces Jack to surrender but left a trail for SWAT and Ryan and Hank and shoot down Abbott’s men and Jack gets Cassie out of the way, but Abbott takes Jack hostage and Jack held at gunpoint allows the gun to fire and shoots Abbott who is killed by SWAT. Jack and Cassie reunite, and Cassie ditches Roger and Jack and Cassie restart their relationship. Jack’s parents punch the reporters who exposed him, while Jack and Cassie become boyfriend girlfriend again and make music together.
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Wow Kevin Hager
Thanks, but is anyone interested?
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