I am new to this and would love to be able to learn to write my own film script, produce and direct my own films. I would love to do a little of everything if I can do that. I am a disabled veteran who has served his country in the United States Navy. It has always been a dream of mine to get into the film industry. I love to watch movies.
THE POSSESSION OF INNOCENCE Comedy ⋄ Horror ⋄ Thriller RobSandage@gmail.com
THE POSSESSION OF INNOCENCE Comedy ⋄ Horror ⋄ Thriller The devil hatches a plan to place a succubus into a rare diamond or jewel. The jewel is then placed onto a crown of a engagement ring and purchased by a boyfriend no realizing that it is cursed with a succubus inside of it. He then proposes to his girlfriend and she accepts his proposal in marriage. The next thing we know the succubus inside the rare jewel possesses the fiancé and she claims souls for the devil.
Richland Community College