Hi I am a British Screenwriter, Director & Producer based in UK. IMDB credits.) I trained in film at UCLA Extn in the '90s, but my work has always been suited to European cinema hence I came back! Now post pandemic I am writing more Genre led stories. I am bi racial Anglo Vietnamese & making work that reflects identity, representation & belonging.
Film (short)
by Marnie Prods/ Corazon films
Writer director 'A young Algerian Bride joins her husband in the South of France, but is it the place of her dreams..' Int'l festivals include: Paris PCCMO, Malmo Sweden Arab festival, FIFOG Geneva, Montreal. Fest of films Orientale, MEDfilm fest Italy, Amazigh Fest Boston USA
RFK Must Die
by E2 Films
Producer Feature length investigative documentary about the Assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy & and the possible link to the CIA
Second Generation
by E2 Films
Producer A young S E Asian woman finds herself alone in the galleries of east end of London whilst a Japanese Art detective tried to find out who she really is....