Constantine Ganosis

Constantine Ganosis

Actor, Producer and Screenwriter

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
May 2023
Last online:
4 days ago
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About Constantine

Ganosis rose to prominence as a TV actor in 2018, making his Argentinean debut playing Juan Fianci in the Argentinean TV comedy100 días para enamorarse (Argentine TV series). His performance earned him a nomination for Outstanding Foreign Actor. After appearing in several smaller-scale TV and non-Greek productions, in 2019 Ganosis originated gained a role in the Viacom's Production of 100 días para enamorarse (Argentine TV series), for which is a continuously professional talk . The popularity of the writing, Ganosis' writing style earned him a devoted following among Greek TV fans. From 2003 until now he participates in dubbing for 8 countries.




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