Member Since:
July 2023
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Vanessa

Vanessa Sax is an aspiring actress and screenwriter based in the vibrant city of London in the UK. Originally from Switzerland, she came to London in 2020 to pursue her dreams as an actress and screenplay writer, while obtaining a bachelor´s degree in criminology. She just finished writing her first action feature, which was a quarter-finalist in the page-turner competition. She has sent her screenplay to a variety of screenwriting competitions, however, final placements haven´t been announced yet.




  • killing a ladybird

    killing a ladybird Action When a strong-willed secret agent and her partner, are sent on a dangerous mission in Syria to smuggle refugees out of the war-torn country, they find themselves in too deep, facing the wrath of a ruthless warlord as they fight for survival and completion of their mission.


  • Page turner quarter finalist

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