Ex Ama-Pro light heavyweight boxer now actor-writer-producer after living in L.A. 6 different times including Koreatown during the Rodney King riots. I wrote a script about a washed-up punchdrunk boxer who by chance meets a suicidal ex heroin addicted jazz singing prostitute and together go on a journey taking on the Mob and a Gang of Pimps! Loosely based on my life being raised by my black stripper aunt in Montreal with Bankrobbers(Google DIRTY TRICKS GANG-Ricky Atkinson) Gangsters, Pimps and hookers as friends! Funk Legends AVERAGE WHITE BAND
founder Hamish Stuart who spent 8yrs as Paul McCartneys sidekick & is now a permanent member of Ringo Starrs All-Star Band will score soundtrack! Originally Wesley Snipes was gonna play lead then Thomas Jane(original PUNISHER star) & even Gerard Butler liked script but we lost an investor who panicked during the pandemic! But we're forging ahead!
Unique traits: Lived thru HELL at least twice!