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By Kiara P Oxley

GENRE: Comedy

Series Title : Thomas

Written By (K OXLEY)
Episode Title : Sweet Revenge
Thomas (VO) :  Man, I Feel Worried That Charlotte May Do Harm Again,  I know she's a evil woman and   i wish i never met her, well we can't change the past, obviously.
TV:   The Police need your help  in finding Charlotte Wang,   She is asian, 5'3  black hair brown eyes and  has a short ponytail, call if you seen her
Thomas : Damn, Why is Charlotte still lurking around? I wish someone would  do something about this.  I don't know what will happen next,  what i do know is that she's a psychopath.
Jeremy :  Calm Down Thomas,  Your overexaggerating too much, take a chill pill buddy.  i hope she will go back to where she came from. only time will tell.
Thomas :  This is a dangerous situation Jeremy, if we don't do anything about  Charlotte, someone could get hurt.  she might end up being more than just a lunatic.
Jeremy : I know , Thomas, Please Just Relax Dude.
Prison House  EXT  11 am
Charlotte:  Who's the loser now? (Laughs) No one can tell me what to do, I'm superior ,  no one can  escape my good intentions.(laughs maniacally)
Charlotte sees a stranger with a name tag, she becomes curious
Charlotte : Who are You? 
Prisoner :  I'm Pamela,  What are you doing out here? there could be guards and if they see you , you are dead meat.
Charlotte : Is that so? well i  ain't afraid of a security guard.  now stay quiet so we can get out of here.
Pamela and Charlotte come up with ideas  ,   Charlotte  figures out a plan
Charlotte :  If you trust me Pam, stay quiet don't say anything. not a damn word!
Prisoner :  I don't like this Charlotte(Whispering)  You have no idea what you are doing.
Charlotte : Shut up Pam, I am fully aware.
Prisoner :  No you're not,  you wouldn't be running your mouth if we made an escape route.
Charlotte and Pamela escape quietly  
A Few Hours Later
Thomas : Mr Mclean,  This is serious about what i'm going to say, Charlotte Wang has escaped from jail. she is nowhere to be found.
Mr. Mclean : The Hell? How is that Possible? She tricked you in to being her lover, if i were you i would run away as far as i can and carry something with me at all times.  you should have never fell in love with her, Mr. Butler.  That's all your fault..
Thomas :  What?  It's not my fault,  She was never my type, of course i was stupid enough to trust her, but there is one way we can stop her.
Mr. Mclean: How  Thomas?
Thomas : You'll See.
Mr. Mclean :  That's it! Great Job!
Thomas and Jeremy Drive to the prison house they see a big overweight woman blocking the gate.
Female Prison Guard : Who are you?
Jeremy : Jeremy Blake, And This is My Friend Thomas.  We are looking for Charlotte Wang.
Female Prison  Guard :  Well, There is not much i can tell you gentlemen  except that she mysteriously disappeared. i  looked into her cell she wasn't there and in the showers still not there.
Thomas:  Holy Shit, there  isn't much time left. we must stop her.
Pamela and Charlotte come up with a plan
Prisoner :  Charlotte ,    It's a good thing you  had a plan, we can finally get out of texas.
Charlotte  : How if you don't have money?
Prisoner : Are you kidding me?  I ain't broke. I'm a hard working Latina. nobody can tell me if i'm poor or not.
Charlotte :  Shut up Pamela, lets get the hell out of here
Pamela starts the car
Charlotte : I miss my lover Darren Tong, he meant the world to me.
Prisoner :  It's ok Friend, you will see him one day,  you have to pray about it,  I'm sure He Loves you.
Charlotte : What do you mean by that?  I know Darren loves me.
Prisoner  :You'll see.
Final Scene
Thomas ,  Jeremy  Paige and Lisa sit down in the cafe
Thomas :  Ma,  I'm worried about Charlotte, She's up to her wicked ways again, and i'm concerned. she may harm someone.
Lisa :  Why would you say that Thomas, She is a kind hearted woman who was your friend.  why do you hate her so much?
Thomas : Because She's Stupid, And Clueless About Things, She is an evil woman.
Paige ( Joins In) : Is that nice Thomas, how would you feel if someone called you a dumb-ass?
you're blond and not very sharp are ya?
Thomas : Shut the hell up Paige, you are not getting my point, Charlotte is a very deranged woman. all she lusts for is  Intimacy and Destruction.
Paige : How dare you talk to me like that, i am so glad i am not your dog. because i am not an animal. if i could i would get rid of you .
Jeremy : Uh-oh  Drama, i Don't need it 

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