Kiara P Oxley

Kiara P Oxley

Ms. at Montgomery College

Silver Spring, Maryland

Member Since:
September 2023
Last online:
3 days ago
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About Kiara

hello my name is Kiara Patrice Oxley age 32
i'm from MD
I'm a self-taught writer and i want to promote my tv series
the life of the coles.

Unique traits: Happy Nice smart




  • Thomas

    Thomas Comedy A Man Who Needs Love, Just an Average Guy

  • Thomas

    Thomas Comedy Series Title : ThomasWritten By (K OXLEY)Episode Title : Sweet RevengeThomas (VO) :  Man, I Feel Worried That Charlotte May Do Harm Again,  I know she's a evil woman and   i wish i never met her, well we can't change the past, obviously.TV:   The Police need your help  in finding Charlotte Wang,   She is asian, 5'3  black hair brown eyes and  has a short ponytail, call if you seen herThomas : Damn, Why is Charlotte still lurking around? I wish someone would  do something about this.  I don't know what will happen next,  what i do know is that she's a psychopath.Jeremy :  Calm Down Thomas,  Your overexaggerating too much, take a chill pill buddy.  i hope she will go back to where she came from. only time will tell.Thomas :  This is a dangerous situation Jeremy, if we don't do anything about  Charlotte, someone could get hurt.  she might end up being more than just a lunatic.Jeremy : I know , Thomas, Please Just Relax Dude.FADE OUTPrison House  EXT  11 amCharlotte:  Who's the loser now? (Laughs) No one can tell me what to do, I'm superior ,  no one can  escape my good intentions.(laughs maniacally)Charlotte sees a stranger with a name tag, she becomes curiousCharlotte : Who are You? Prisoner :  I'm Pamela,  What are you doing out here? there could be guards and if they see you , you are dead meat.Charlotte : Is that so? well i  ain't afraid of a security guard.  now stay quiet so we can get out of here.Pamela and Charlotte come up with ideas  ,   Charlotte  figures out a planCharlotte :  If you trust me Pam, stay quiet don't say anything. not a damn word!Prisoner :  I don't like this Charlotte(Whispering)  You have no idea what you are doing.Charlotte : Shut up Pam, I am fully aware.Prisoner :  No you're not,  you wouldn't be running your mouth if we made an escape route.Charlotte and Pamela escape quietly  FADE OUTA Few Hours LaterCAFE 2 PM INTThomas : Mr Mclean,  This is serious about what i'm going to say, Charlotte Wang has escaped from jail. she is nowhere to be found.Mr. Mclean : The Hell? How is that Possible? She tricked you in to being her lover, if i were you i would run away as far as i can and carry something with me at all times.  you should have never fell in love with her, Mr. Butler.  That's all your fault..Thomas :  What?  It's not my fault,  She was never my type, of course i was stupid enough to trust her, but there is one way we can stop her.Mr. Mclean: How  Thomas?Thomas : You'll See.Mr. Mclean :  That's it! Great Job!FADE OUTThomas and Jeremy Drive to the prison house they see a big overweight woman blocking the gate.Female Prison Guard : Who are you?Jeremy : Jeremy Blake, And This is My Friend Thomas.  We are looking for Charlotte Wang.Female Prison  Guard :  Well, There is not much i can tell you gentlemen  except that she mysteriously disappeared. i  looked into her cell she wasn't there and in the showers still not there.Thomas:  Holy Shit, there  isn't much time left. we must stop her.MeanwhilePamela and Charlotte come up with a planPrisoner :  Charlotte ,    It's a good thing you  had a plan, we can finally get out of texas.Charlotte  : How if you don't have money?Prisoner : Are you kidding me?  I ain't broke. I'm a hard working Latina. nobody can tell me if i'm poor or not.Charlotte :  Shut up Pamela, lets get the hell out of herePamela starts the carCharlotte : I miss my lover Darren Tong, he meant the world to me.Prisoner :  It's ok Friend, you will see him one day,  you have to pray about it,  I'm sure He Loves you.Charlotte : What do you mean by that?  I know Darren loves me.Prisoner  :You'll see.Final SceneCAFE 5 PM INTThomas ,  Jeremy  Paige and Lisa sit down in the cafeThomas :  Ma,  I'm worried about Charlotte, She's up to her wicked ways again, and i'm concerned. she may harm someone.Lisa :  Why would you say that Thomas, She is a kind hearted woman who was your friend.  why do you hate her so much?Thomas : Because She's Stupid, And Clueless About Things, She is an evil woman.Paige ( Joins In) : Is that nice Thomas, how would you feel if someone called you a dumb-ass?you're blond and not very sharp are ya?Thomas : Shut the hell up Paige, you are not getting my point, Charlotte is a very deranged woman. all she lusts for is  Intimacy and Destruction.Paige : How dare you talk to me like that, i am so glad i am not your dog. because i am not an animal. if i could i would get rid of you .Jeremy : Uh-oh  Drama, i Don't need it FADE OUT TO BE CONTINUED.END OF EPISODE


  • Thomas

    Thomas (2024)
    Television ScreenWriter A Man from Michigan who works as a barista by day rapper by night

  • Aisha's Lover

    Aisha's Lover (2021 - 2023)
    Series Writer Plot : In The Late 2020s, A Middle Aged 62 Year Old Aisha Turner Who Was In The Previous 2 Stories, Is Back And With A New Love. Despite A Divorce From Her Ex Husband Franklin Arias Who Was In Aisha's Lover 2, Becomes Depressed And Is Desperate To Get Her Back After She Meets A Much Younger Man Named Seth Boeman Who Is The Manager Of A Mexican Restaurant In Downtown Nashville, Despite The Death Of Aisha's Father Douglas Turner, Aisha's mother Keisha Turner, Remarries And Moves To Miami, Florida Where they encounter Racism but Keisha Manages To Ignore It, Despite Marrying An Asian Man. Along The Way Aisha Meets Up With Her Ex Boyfriend William Cole, But Unfortunately His Father Paul Cole's Behavior Has deteriorated. Becomes more perverted and sexually frustrated. However Kyle Cole (Brother Of William Cole) Has A New Wife, A New Life, And Deals With Rejection From Black Women He Meets At A Local Church Or Pub, He Frequently Vists when Aisha Realizes That William Still Wants Her, Aisha gets the police involved , and william is arrested once again for harassment.


  • Wheaton high school md

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