Member Since:
September 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Seamus

Trained screenwriter, online magazine founder and non-profit storyteller. After 15-years pursuing other careers, but still dabbling in the craft, I decided to dedicate myself to scribing an ambitious sci-fi limited series examining how society changes when a cure for aging is discovered. This has re-engaged my creativity and I'm all-in on creating a world of screenplays to share with industry.




  • Mortality

    Mortality Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi Drama In the near future, eternal life becomes a reality for some and society divides along new lines. The mysterious scientist behind the breakthrough must now navigate corporate interests, ruthless competition, and escalating public backlash to accomplish her seemingly altruistic goals.

  • There Aren't a lot of Good Reasons

    There Aren't a lot of Good Reasons Budget: $0 - $100K | Comedy Drama Four 30-somethings debate the merits and serious drawbacks of having kids over drinks. Watch on YouTube here.

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