Robert Leslie Fisher

Robert Leslie Fisher


Voorheesville, New York

Member Since:
October 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Robert

When I was about ten years old, I played God in a Hebrew School play. I thought I did a great job but the teacher didn't. "Nobody could hear you," she snaped. I have since written plays and a novel "Vanilla Republic" (the latter receiving a glowing review from Kirkus Discovery in 2009) and am finishing a sequel. One of my plays :Satan Takes a Bride, a play got a staged reading in Brooklyn ten years ago at an experimental theater. The friendly audience liked it. It's my imagining of how John Milton, the seventeenth century poet, might have written his poem "paradise lost" had he lived now. Satan is the protagonist and a vain, sometimes arrogant, but nevertheless decent archangel doing a tough job keeping the worst of the worst under custody for eternity. As for God, he is a dilettante creating parallel universes and leaving the business of caring for the universe in which we live in the hands of various subalterns such as the archangels Michael and Gabriel. I have written other plays as well because I like writing dialogue. I haver not mastered the art of screenwriting but I have an idea that would make a great movie. It's a story about about a centenarian Army veteran "T. J. Harrison, also known to his neighbors in Stillwater NY as "Jimmy" who wants to reenlist in the Army and decides to enter the NYC Marathon to prove he is fit. A subplot features a story about extreme right-wingers living in the town who plot to kidnap a white baby and kill it to ignite a race war. I have a neat way of tying the subplot and the plot together to make a good fast paced story with horror elements and comedy arising out of the action rather than jiokes or slap stick, I am looking to hire a couple of screenwriters, one with background in horror film screenplays and one with background in comic buddy movies. Military background is a plus because military humor is coarse and my movie will have some vulgar language but no nudity. Also helps if the writers can stomach a fellow with a huge ego. I compare myself to Miss Piggy because (1) miss piggy never raises a sweat (pigs roll in the mud but have no sweat glands) and that pretty much describes me. I claim to be a politician and proudly tell people why we politicians are the first professionals. (Sorry professional sex workers, you are only the second professionals)!

Unique traits: Like Miss Piggy, the character created by Jim Henson I am both beautiful and brilliant




  • B.A. cum laude City College of New York, M. Phil. Columbia University in the City of New York

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