Pallavi Yetur

Pallavi Yetur

Screenwriter and Author

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Member Since:
October 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Pallavi

Pallavi Yetur is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (CA) and Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY) with an MFA in Creative Nonfiction & Screenwriting from UC Riverside. She completed her undergraduate studies in Communication and Literature/Writing at UC San Diego, then her MA in Mental Health Counseling at NYU.

Currently, Pallavi is working on a horror feature script with producer Joshua Malkin for Voyage Media. This year, her pilot Motherland was a Finalist for the Rooster Teeth BIPOC Fellowship and a Semifinalist for Drama Teleplay at Austin Film Festival. Her feature Stone Age was a Semifinalist for The Writers Room 5050 BIPOC Writers Fellowship and a Quarterfinalist in the Screen Craft Comedy Competition.

Pallavi's opinion and criticism has appeared in Salon, NBC News THINK, the Los Angeles Review of Books, GXRL, and The Coachella Review. She is the author of the advice column "Ask Pallavi" for GXRL. She has also served as the Nonfiction Editor and Lead Copyeditor for The Coachella Review.

When she's not trying to write, Pallavi splits her time between teaching Emotional Fitness classes for Coa, practicing psychotherapy, working through her TV queue, and winning silver medals in amateur pole sport competitions. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband.


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