Theo Boccara is a talented and dedicated Brazilian production assistant based in Burbank. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for the entertainment industry, Theo seamlessly supports the production team in realizing their creative vision. His exceptional organizational skills and ability to handle multiple tasks make him an invaluable asset on set. With a strong commitment to teamwork and a proactive mindset, Theo is continuously seeking new opportunities to contribute to the success of every project he is part of.
This is Their Land
Film (short)
by Michael O'Leary
Producer The Modoc War of 1872 to 1873 was a conflict that occurred between the people of the Modoc tribe, and the United States Army in today’s Northern California and Southern Oregon. For nearly seven months, a small group of Modoc families was able to hold off hundreds of U.S. soldiers from entering their stronghold by using their understanding of the environment of the lava beds, their homeland, to their advantage.
Our story follows the brave Modoc Civic Leader, Captain Jack as he negotiates for peace in his homeland against the U.S. army, and the choices and sacrifices he is forced to make for the sake of his people.