Peter Hobler

Peter Hobler

Co-Owner at Lucky Man's Burden LLC

Saint Louis, Missouri

Member Since:
January 2024
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Peter

I am a passionate, creative, and adventurous soul. I am filled with a deeply inspired passion to share stories that will change people’s live by inspiring them and giving them hope.

The first such story to share is that of my brother Christopher Wells Hobler. Chris’ life story is filled with passion, living one’s dream, meeting his true love, starting a family, being on the verge of ultimate success with his band Sonic Joyride, when tragedy strikes.

At the age of 35, Chris was diagnosed with ALS, which had a devastating impact on his life, on his family and friends, and on everyone connected with Sonic Joyride.

For most people, this would have been the end, but for Chris, his legacy lives on 19 years after he died from ALS. In April 2023, thanks to Chris’ vision, the first ever drug for ALS was approved by the FDA.

Wait until you hear/see Chris’ story and hear his music… you will be absolutely inspired and filled with heartfelt HOPE.

Unique traits: Athletic, fit, kind eyes, friendly, loves to write and tell stories.




  • North American Book Awards, Third Place Self-Help

  • Servant Leadership Award, PRO U


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