Gaby Parker, UK

Gaby Parker, UK


Kingston, Canada

Member Since:
March 2024
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Gaby

Gaby Parker, originally from the UK and now residing in Canada, has had a unique journey in screenwriting that includes puppeteering to palliative caregiving. Her latest feature-length British comedy script, 'Gladys Gets a Gun', is inspired by her experience as a caregiver and the colourful characters she encountered in nursing homes and private residences. In 2011, Gaby reached the quarterfinals of the Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition with her feature-length drama script, 'Child's Prey'. Growing up in poverty on the estates of a castle and an opera house, Gaby had a challenging, rural childhood that drew her towards escapism and fostered her love for storytelling.




  • Gladys Gets a Gun

    Gladys Gets a Gun Budget: $10M - $30M | Comedy Bargain hunter Brian gets a second shot at life when eighty-year-old Gladys holds him hostage at gunpoint, forces him to learn the art of knitting and makes him her live-in caregiver.


  • Stage 32 "Double Recommend"


  • Central School of Speech and Drama, London, UK

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