Member Since:
May 2024
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About Erin

Erin Hunt Rado is a novelist and screenwriter specializing in Fantasy Adventure, Historical Fiction, and Action Adventure. If you want to bash something with a fireball, stage a duel to the death, or blow something up, Erin is your ‘go to’ girl!

Born in Southern California, Erin developed a passion for genre work at an early age. She was 12 when Star Wars hit theaters in 1977 (please don’t do the math), and at 16 she discovered the Renaissance Pleasure Faire. Always a fan of ‘what could have been, but never was’, Erin was writing Battlestar Galactica fan fiction on an Adler typewriter while other kids her age were partying. Happily ensconced in the high school drama and choir programs, Erin found her voice in the creative arts.

Erin graduated cum laude from Chapman College (now Chapman University) in 1983 with a degree in Communications. While focusing on film and television, Erin also learned to write proposals and business documents. Erin founded her own small business making Victorian Corsets (a talent she gained in Chapman’s costume department) and learned how to approach creative endeavors from a market-driven point of view. These days, when Erin crafts a narrative, she explores the competition and analyzes fan trends. It’s not enough to have a terrific idea. Ideas must be supported by sales in order to reach their full potential.

Erin left corsetry in the 90’s and began to focus on the art of her Celtic heritage. The result was a successful line of mindful tracing art tools she called Celtic Mandalynths. Erin later combined her Celtic work with Finger Labyrinths to create a collection of art that has a significantly beneficial effect on human cognition. Her work is for sale on her website,, and on . Also on her website are Erin’s collections of digital collage art featuring pirate, vintage, RPG gaming, and additional Celtic themes.

Fantasy Adventure is Erin’s passion, which is why she has written one stand-alone fantasy action novel, Gray Warrior, and a series of fantasy action novellas, Tales of the Ravensdaughter. Erin’s editor on Gray Warrior is Mr. Patrick LoBrutto, former senior editor of Doubleday Books, Bantam Books, and Ace Books. Pat describes Erin’s style as, “Hitchcock on Phil Dick’s drugs.”

As a fresh voice in the fantasy genre, Erin delivers. Her work is filled with drama and action that includes unseen twists and surprise endings. Her work is vibrant and dynamic, and written with commercial sales in mind. For the past several years, Erin has been touring faires and festivals across the country, and the fan response to her books is overwhelming. Readers love her narratives and crave more.

Additional Information:
Erin Rado was the editor for Celtic Nations Magazine. She is the current Station Manager for Celtic Rock Radio. Erin writes adventures for Dungeons & Dragons, along with her co-writer, Sam Goodman. Erin is also a Wordpress designer, and is familiar with building e-commerce stores for Shopify.

Unique traits: You want fantasy? I'll give you fantasy!





  • Tales of the Ravensdaughter

    Tales of the Ravensdaughter Budget: $30M+ | Fantasy When Alerice Linden dies at the beginning of her story, don't worry... She gets better.


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