Margaret A Donnelly

Margaret A Donnelly

Attorney at Law
Author and Cinematographer

Dallas, Texas

Member Since:
June 2024
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About Margaret

I am an attorney, film producer and the author of "Bolívar’s Heart", "The Path of Lord Jaguar", "The Spirits of Venezuela," "The Song of the Goldencocks" (which received Honorable Mention at the 2007 Int'l Latino Book Awards in New York), and "Trump, Tamales and the American Family." I received a doctorate of law and bachelor of arts degree in Latin American studies from the University of Texas at Austin. For my community legal work, I was awarded the Presidential Community Service medal by the League of United Latin American Citizens of the United States (LULAC) in 2006. Born in Venezuela, I moved to the USA at age 15. I now reside in Dallas, Texas.where I practice immigration, entertainment and international law. I was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2023 for my books. So far, I've been able to produce three Mexican-made movies based on my books.




  • El camino del Senor Jaguar

    El camino del Senor Jaguar (2022 - 2023)
    Film by Archway Productions (Drama) Producer In a dream, Maya prayer man, Pablo Balam, learns that the path of life (kuxan sum) is under threat. Running from Lord Jaguar's sacred altar at the Chichén Itza pyramids in Mexico up through Texas and continuing north, the kuxan sum is an ancient, energetic path that shields the earth from disaster. The protector of every village, Lord Jaguar serves as the guardian of prophecy and the enabler of the living cord connecting the people of the Americas to the heavens (the kuxan sum).Working with the striking, Nigerian priestess, Kemi Adisa, Pablo goes on a quest to defeat the dark forces bent on destroying the power of Lord Jaguar and the path he protects. The fabulously wealthy estate where Pablo and Kemi work holds the secrets of an evil man whose destructive actions are blocking the power of the kuxan sum. In order to save millions from impending catastrophe, Pablo and Kemi must uncover his secrets and restore the protective power of the nine Maya Underworlds. Relying on the ancient wisdom of their spiritual traditions and their own wits, this duo risk everything to go to battle with this dark power.

  • El corazon de Bolivar

    El corazon de Bolivar (2020 - 2022)
    Film by Alma Productions (Drama) Producer Simón Bolívar's heart, allegedly separated from his body during an autopsy, has been the focus of many folk tales. While most of these stories have never been well-documented, they inspire millions in Venezuela, Colombia, Perú, Bolivia, and Ecuador-all of whom look to Bolívar as their "father and protector." This movie seeks to find the truth of what really happened to Bolívar's heart as it follows Isabel Condorcanqui, who attempts to kill herself as soon as a unit of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement surrounds the house where she's being held by Mexican smugglers. Isabel ends up in the psychiatric ward of a Dallas hospital after making manic accusations against authorities far removed from the scene, both chronologically and geographically. Peruvian officials, she says, had kidnapped her. Gloria García, a licensed attorney in Texas, and her boss, David Levin, must sort through her story to find out who Isabel really is as they try to save her from being deported back to Perú As a passionate advocate of global education, Margaret Donnelly taps into the Quechua version of what happened to Bolívar's heart in this thrilling story that weaves history with humanitarian, economic, and political issues of today.

  • El canto de los gallos de oro

    El canto de los gallos de oro (2020 - 2021)
    TV Movie by Archway Productions (Drama) Producer The movie explains the origins of the Latin American death squads. Reality and fiction come together when former SS experts join the military establishment of Argentina after World War II. The Song of the Golden Cocks is a movie that brings together secret and true events that reflect voices of the Latin American people, especially those of Venezuela. Such voices speak of economic, historic, political, and social events seen and suffered due to inefficient, corrupt and violent governments. This movie is a journey that reveals Latin America's idiosyncrasies in which greed, thirst for power, and death squads that knew no limits, left entire countries devastated. It is a story without precedent, in which the convergence of facts goes beyond our expectations.

  • Our Americas

    Our Americas (2020)
    Documentary by Nowadays Orange Productions (Documentary) Co-producer ROADS THAT BIND A journey through the routes and spiritual guides that connected ancient civilizations and that still influence present-day nations. MOTHER EARTH A review of how the natural world has been at times worshiped and at others exploited by the peoples of the Americas. CONTINENTAL HEROES An ode to the heroic figures throughout the history of the Americas who have sought to unite the continent, from Simon Bolivar to Alexander Hamilton. AFRICAN ROOTS A walk-through revealing the cultural and spiritual connections between the Americas and Africa, including music and religion.

  • Los espiritus de Venezuela

    Los espiritus de Venezuela
    Film by Archway Productions (Drama) Producer The Spirits of Venezuela signals the end of an age of taboos imposed in Venezuela by the Spanish Conquest and it opens the door to a new view of how Venezuelans interact with the practical wisdom of their ancestors. The movie's account invites us to understand this hidden tradition from a broader and deeper perspective by sharing the real life experiences of hundreds of Venezuelans. The story flows through Margaret Donnelly's personal discovery of this world in which present-day Venezuelans serve as authors of a tradition that continues to honor the magic of the landscape, the power of its spirits, and the tenacity of its popular healers.



  • Lone Star Emmy Award, 2020, Our Americas: Roads That Bind , a documentary

  • Honorable Mention at the Int'l Latino Book Awards in New York, THE SONG OF THE GOLDENCOCKS

  • Presidential Community Service medal by the League of Latin American Citizens of the US (LULAC)



  • University of Texas at Austin

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