After a major heartbreak and other setbacks that affected my two periods of military service, I designed a personal relationship plan to better organize the structure of my relationships. The latest republished book, "Orders of Love System Legacy" (2024), is my new relationship autobiography. The book includes two short stories, poetry (which comprises more than half of the content), personal thoughts, and tragedies that highlight the importance of the Orders of Love System of Self.
I hope readers gain an inside look at my relationship style and are inspired to design their own. I firmly believe that being prepared before a crisis occurs makes it easier to handle. Mastering the Orders of Love System of Self and understanding a partner's system can help relationships thrive and endure.
I am an Army Veteran who volunteers virtually. My educational background includes over 86 undergraduate transferable credits and several career diplomas and certificates from correspondence schools and various training programs.
"On the game field of life, we must train and prepare for the tackles of life’s struggles by designing a game plan of love. We must strengthen ourselves mentally to gain the touchdown of love in the game of life. Through this, we will master the game of knowing our Order of Love System of Self."By:EJ
I am currently working on a screen script titled "Crosswalk to Love."
Unique traits: Love to Learn. Have Some Creativity.
Central Texas College
Ashworth College