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Through the eyes of a young veteran, the movie recalls the dramatic events that
lead to the born of the Italian Agrarian Fascism between 1919 and 1922.
Remo returns home after WWI solely desiring to make a life with his fiancée Lucia but finds his city,
Ferrara, disrupted by clashes between socialist leagues and tenants, sharecroppers, landowners.
After falling victim of Socialist Red Guards violence, Remo joins the emerging Fasci di Combattimento
to defend his land, himself and his family. He slowly becomes the right hand of his former Captain
Italo Balbo. The carnage of Piazza D'Accursio (Bologna) as well as the massacre of Castello Estense
(Ferrara) are the reasons for Italo Balbo's descent into political contention and get Mussolini’s trust.
The novel is based on historical events that have fallen into oblivion. Only Remo, Lucia and their
families are fictional, serving the story to narrate the climate and daily life during the so-called “Red
Biennium” and “Black Biennium.”