Born in Ferrara (1954), now retired after a career as
engineer and agricultural land broker. Writer and
researcher out of passion.
Published books:
➢ “Amarcord Ferrara”;
➢ “Ferrara Rosso e Nero Sangue - Balbo e il
Fascismo Agrario” (Award winning book 2022 - Best
book of the year);
➢ “Io Pellegrino”.
● Ferrara & The Young Balbo
● Savonarola & The Trial of Fire
FERRARA & THE YOUNG BALBO Budget: $1M - $5M | Historical ⋄ Drama Through the eyes of a young veteran, the movie recalls the dramatic events thatlead to the born of the Italian Agrarian Fascism between 1919 and 1922.
SAVONAROLA & THE TRIAL OF FIRE Budget: $1M - $5M | Historical ⋄ Biography At the end of the XV Century, a Dominican friar attacks the corrupted and libertinelifestyle of the Roman Church.