Colombia, 2000). I'm a wrapped filmmaker in the management department as Director and Continuist. He directed short films of fiction, documentary and video clips. I stand out in teamwork, critical, creative and effective capacity to find solutions to improvisely. With knowledge in the management of audiovisual production and similar photography equipment. WE, SCRPIT/EDITOR - CORTOMETRAJE FICTION (2024) HAD A VEZ SCRIPT - Long film FICTION (2024) La Pava, SCRIPT - Short Fiction (2024). MURMULLOS, SCRIPT, Editor- CORTOMETRAJE FICTION (2024) Make me Reír, SCRIPT - Long Fiction (2024). Oasis and Entre Lines - Ela White, CO-DIRECTION - Videoclip (2024). Behind the Window, SCRIPT - Short Fiction (2023).
Pincellas, SCRIPT - Long film documentary (2023). Gummis, SCRIPT - Short Fiction (2023). The letters from Emilio, SCRIPT - Web Series, Mintic (2023). Georgina, SCRIPT - Long Fiction (2023). Ciudad Cumbia, SCRIPT - Short film Fiction Canal TRO (2023). If the clouds could be eaten, SCRIPT - Short Fiction FDC (2023). Lucky Strike - Esteesgarcia, PRODUCTOR GENERAL - Videoclip (2023). North Side, SCRIPT - Short Fiction (2022). Leave the show, SCRIPT - National Television Series TRO (2022). Hide for two, CO-DIRECTION - Short Fiction (2022). Without life light, ASIST. PRODUCTION - National Mintic Television Series (2020). Paraíso, SCRIPT - Short Fiction (2019).
Retallar, DIRECTION/MONTAJE - Short film Documentary (2019).