Hello humans! Greetings from Hell. I'm in my early to mid/late 30's born and raised from Cleveland and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. Even though I'm middle aged and rotten to the core, my dream of being a prominent filmmaker and storyteller is still alive. It's alive! It's aliiiiiive!!!! Horror, Action, and Science Fiction films have always been my favorites since I was a child. I've always had big dreams about making it in the film industry. You would figure after working for over 10 years, I'd be somewhere by now. I don't know why I haven't been discovered yet. Maybe it's because no one wants to actually read my scripts? Maybe it's because my face is too pretty? Maybe it's because of my cringe factor? Thank god I have a nice smile and an interesting last name. It's real if you wondered. What makes me stand out from the other nearly half of a million people that work in my field ? Why should you be interested? I write these questions whilst unemployed from my couch. I've been deleting witty responses and rewriting them while sobbing onto my keyboard. Currently looking for my guardian angel to see my talent, taste level and my work ethic. So either you're going to be apart of this ride or you can get out of my way. I want to be legendary.
*Author's note: I will change this whole entire thing later more than likely. I'm really just a normal person, I swear.
Unique traits: "I can put my whole fist in my mouth. Wanna see?" I can illustrate, paint, and decorate a mean film set. Hey, read my scripts.
Cleveland State University