Frank Buckner's Lounge Discussions

Dan Murphy
Practical SPFX & Pyro

Just a hello. Interested in paying practical special effects work, pyrotechnics or custom fabrication work. CAN DO...

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Dan - great to have you here introducing yourself! I went to check out your work on your profile but there's nothing there. It would be great for you populate your profile so we can get a better idea of what you do.

Amanda Toney

Welcome to the community Dan!

Dan C. Corley

Julie.....go to . Has my full bio plus a couple of videos. Can't place a clip from "Binging Up Bobby" because the produstion company will not release my part in the film since it was a featured role. Play a real country but wealthy, Methodist minister.

Eddie Durante Jr

Welcome to Stage 32 Dan. I am new to this site as well so, I wish you the best of luck.

Frank Buckner

Found this discussion thread via the Search. Even though it's 3 yrs old, thought I'd paste my post here just in case anyone has any leads for me. Thanks! .... ON SET PRACTICAL EFFECTS PERSON NEEDED!!...

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Omar Brown
Do you DAW

How many editors here on this forum uses professional DAW's for their post work. My favorite that I own and use it Magix Sequoia/Samplitude. I also use Reaper from time to time when my clients delivery format needs to be in WEBM. I write and compose in Reason, Ableton Live, and Sampltude on PC and L...

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Frank A Rybicki

Sony Vegas Pro with plugins - Izotope's Nectar and RX2, Zynaptiq's Unveil - and a Mackie MCU Pro control surface.

Frank Buckner

ProTools all day every day. It's the tool of Post.

András László Weil Fischer diPalotta

Magix Sequoia/Samplitude on PC en Logic on the IMac Realy love Dave Brown plugins, I realy don't think it would be possible to make one plugin to take care of all stuff needed, maybe also to expensive.

Dslr Video Studio

I personally don't use a DAW as I tend to video edit as oppose to sound design/score or multitrack audio projects including dialogue, sound effects and music. But know people who do, I will tend to give them audio to fix or improve.

Scott Riesterer

I use Protools for all my postproduction work. I've really been enjoying the Izotope plugins lately. For music I use Ableton Live and Protools. Haven't ever tried Sequoia/Samplitude.

Frank Buckner
ASAP: Pacific Palisades, CA

A contact who heads a vitamin/pharmaceutical product needs the services of a picture editor. It's so simple I could do it, and I'm a sound editor, but alas I'm tied up all day and night. He needs 30 sec. of footage lifted from 5 DVDs/spots. Will pay premium for "rush" factor. If you can get to the P...

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Frank Buckner

He just informed me he'll pay for your travel time to his house too!

Frank Buckner
Introduction: New to 32

I am a Post Audio service provider. I also have a past life in Production Sound as Utility and Mixer. From one track and a vocal to multilayered sound design. From Casting and Pre Production to Dialogue Editing and Post Production. I've been a part of it all. It was my brother, award winning filmmak...

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