Vladimir Mirosavljevic: Screenwriter in Belgrade, Serbia.

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Fernando, Thanks for adding. Regards from Belgrade, Vladimir

Hi Pablo, Nice to have you on board. Regards, Vladimir

Pablo Sereno-De La Viña

You're welcome my friend... Greetings from Barcelona...

Vladimir Mirosavljevic
To all my beloved creatives - new learning and teaching channel - Udemy.com

Hi there, 5 months ago I have discovered Udemy. Fantastic way to teach, promote yourself or learn something. Some $ is also involved. Check out my lectures named: Learn, Feel and Taste Life! Then Learn How to Write About It: https://www.udemy.com/learn-feel-and-taste-life-then-learn-how-to-write-......

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Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Andrew, Nice to have you on board...

Andrew Thomas Pitkin

You too! Thanks Vladimir :)

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

If you are looking for something fresh and different to shoot check out this: http://www.amazon.com/Agony-Vladimir-Mirosavljevic/dp/1616671572 The script is done, the second draft actually. Regards, V...

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Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Thony, Thank you for connection. Bye, Vladimir

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Steve, Thank you for connecting. Regards, Vladimir

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Dobar dan, Dobro došao. Crni Valentino, menjaj fotku, neće ovi Latini shvatiti da je tvoja loša rezolucija izraz umetničke slobode... :) Skapiraće te kao UnFull HD kinematografa, tako daleko od 4K, što je vrlo nepoželjno ovih dana... Uživaj... Pozdrav, Vladimir

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Daniel, Nice to have you aboard. The best of luck, but wait, you don't need luck. You live in Bangkok. :)

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Alex, Welcome aboard, Have fun and close deals. Regards, Vladimir

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Dain, Nice to have you on board. If you ever find your self in position to not know what to shoot next take a look a this, the script was finished a couple months ago: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/agony/77637f08-bed9-4592-a2f... The best of luck......

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Microsoft Store - Download apps, games & more for your Windows PC
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Dain F. Turner

Thank you, I will try to find the time to read it.

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Nes, Thank you for connection. I see you are in DSLR mod. What do you think could mirror less cameras kill DSLR eko system? I've bee reading Sony a7s reviews and must say...mmmm Regards, Vladimir

Nes Snipes

I think to some extent that could always be a possibility but those possibilities exist with all sorts of technologies. Beta or VHS, CD or DVD-Audio etc... I think technology makes it possible for people to use what they like.

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Giada, Greetings from Belgrade, it was a sunny, open and soo refreshing day. Looks like it's going to be beautiful spring. Like your photos and work, you are not just another cute face. Keep up with your charisma, it works for you so lovely. Best of luck...

Giada Laudicina

oh vladimir...thanks so much! i really appreciate your words :-) i'm really glad for the connection! have a great day, ciao!

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Nick, Thanks for connection... The Agony, my book, script is nearly done. Soon we will be in preproduction. Looks tempting?

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Dobar dan, Dobrodošao. Videceš i sam, mnogo ljudi, poslova i buke ni oko cega. Ja ovde pronadjoh USA based scenaristu koji je napisao scenario po mom romanu. Traži. Povezuj se. Budi uporan. Pozdrav, Vladimir

Boris Mandić - ManDe

Hvala Vladimire... vidim da je uglavnom "overseas" bazirana mreza... To je u startu problem (ako izuzmemo to da skoro niko ne nudi placeni posao, ili ako ga nudi, nema ga za mene, jer sam DP - Snimate...

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Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Jan, Nice to have in network. If you are looking for new movie ideas I just might have something new and fresh... Regards, Vladimir

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Joselito, Thanks for connection... The best of luck, Vladimir

Trudy Lite

❤️ Thank you for adding me to your network. Happy #TrudyTuesday :) Have you subscribed to my FREE YouTube channel yet? Here is this week's episode of The #TrudyLiteShow ❤️ Episode 105 - Social Media ❤️ Do hope you like it? Please share it with all your friends. ❤️ Love and Lite, Your Trudy Lite, Int...

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Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Mc Ginley, Thank you for invite. The best of luck...

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Hi Jake, thanks for connection. Best of luck...


Thanks Vladimir and the same to you, my friend!

Vladimir Mirosavljevic

Што би наш народ рекао... Nice to meet you... Dina

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