I'm a Traditional 2D Professional currently doing Pre-Production Works on Various Agencies but I'm really a certified Comicbook Fan and Movie Buff. I love to travel and see the world ...if I have funds for it. And I am now looking for someone to collaborate with ( my creative juices aren't kicking in right now ) for an original content material. If you have a concept,idea,plot you want to make into a book,movie,comicbook,etc. maybe I can help you flesh it out. It just might turn out to be the next big thing.
Unique traits: I start slow but once I got into the groove of things I pick up speed and won't stop ( go 24/7 if I have to ) until I get the job done or until I am completely satisfied with the finished work. I prefer to finish of fix the job at hand first and resolve what went wrong after rather than play the blame game right smack in the middle of a project.
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