James Smith: Publisher in Hamden, Connecticut.

Thomas Carruthers

Film & TV Professionals, Students Unite! Sacred Heart Univ. Film & TV MA Prog. & NHIFF Are Comping You Sat Mar 29 At The New Haven Int. Film Fest 11am - 5:30pm At Gateway Community College 17 Workshops & Panels, Keynote Address & Dozs Of Films Visit: www.newhavenfilmfestival.com for selections Then...

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Prem Kumar R

Hallo James Smith, Thanks for add... Do you know I am a good designer toooooo..hahaha..

Nathalie Allen

Thank you for your add request. Nathalie

tyrell spruill

Thanks for the request maybe one day we can work together

Anne Gentry

Hi James~ It is good to hear from you. I hope to enjoy your posting and work as I hope you’ll do with mine. Thanks and I’ll look forward to hearing great things~!

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

Hi James, thanks for the invite. I'm not sure if I'm printing anything in the USA in the near future, maybe some brochures for a film festival or some props for a film in the future. We'll see when the time comes. My current projects include Dara Says (in pre-production in the UK) and The Gray Mare...

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Stephen Foster

James, do you publish books?

James Smith

No i am Online Printing Company :)

Propshop Chicago

Thanks James - let us know the next time you're in Sweet Home Chicago.

Stephen Nagy

Thanks for the connect James. Here is my Dallas Cowboys CD: www.cdbaby.com/cd/stevenagy

Madia-as Digdigan Buenaflor

Thank you, James for the invitation. Glad to join your network. Please visit my website: http://www.maber60.com. Sending you good thoughts and best wishes.

Edward P. Harrison

Hello James, I appreciate the connection.

Daryl Powell

Hi James. Thanks for the add.

Tony Hooper

Cheers James.

Chuck Dudley

Thanks for the connect James! I've booked marked your services!

Imani Kairee

thanks for the request

Dorothy Haines

Sorry for the late response my computer wasn't working. Check out my website and I hope that we can do some work together. http://dorothymaelynnhaines.wix.com/acting-and-modeling

Valerie Bowen

Thanks for connecting

Max Boyce

Aloha James... Some short stories available here. Feel free to publish and thanks for the netting

Paul Cascante

Thanks for the invite

Judi Murphy

Thanks for the connection James! -Judi

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Tori Anastasia
Georgina Gajdosik
Maria Douglas
Rex Pickett
Matthew Brink
Tim Krusko
Lisa Meuser
Yassin Koptan
A.J. Law
Henry Regan
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