Anyone in the Tampa, FL area interested in doing a Meet Up? Thanks! Luke
Anyone in the Tampa, FL area interested in doing a Meet Up? Thanks! Luke
If you have a short script laying around that you would like to see produced, get in touch with me. We're looking to make some shorts to submit to film fests or just to put on YouTube, etc. What we're looking for is a nice story that is "doable" on a low/no budget. 1. Should be in the 5-10 minute ra...
Expand postIf you have a short script laying around that you would like to see produced, get in touch with me. We're looking to make some shorts to submit to film fests or just to put on YouTube, etc. What we're looking for is a nice story that is "doable" on a low/no budget. 1. Should be in the 5-10 minute range 2. Set primarily in residences or readily accessible areas (no space ships, etc.) 3. Limited number of characters 4. Any genre We all know that there is no money in shorts; we're just looking to put something good on screen. We are willing to sign non-disclosure agreements. We'd also be happy to make some long-term relationships I hope it's clear what we are looking for, and what we aren't looking for. If you have a question, please ask Best Wishes
Will you be submitting the shorts for IMDB credit?
I would have to adapt a feature length script, so I'm not ready with anything this minute. I'm not sure about IMDB credit.
I have a 14 page short screenplay titled Test: Logline: A government agent, attempting entry into a black ops kill unit, is sent on his first mission. There are few locations that are needed. If it is of interest you can contact me.
I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has replied - either in the lounge or with a private message. I've enjoyed reading some really terrific work and I have to say there are many very talented writers here at Stage 32. Keep writing, and keep believing.
Update - our holiday schedule went differently than anticipated. I regret to report that we have had some major delays and changes in direction. I still hope we can produce one or more of the scripts...
Expand commentUpdate - our holiday schedule went differently than anticipated. I regret to report that we have had some major delays and changes in direction. I still hope we can produce one or more of the scripts we received, but for now the project is on indefinite hiatus. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, and I appreciate all of your patience. Thanks and Best Wishes, Steve
Hi again, I'm Steve Sharnik, co-founder of Whiskey Comet Fillms. We're based in the Tampa - St. Pete, FL USA area. I prefer to work off-camera: producing, directing, writing and whatever else I can do to meet our team's goals. We're always looking for scripts that we can shoot on low/no budget. We'r...
Expand postHi again, I'm Steve Sharnik, co-founder of Whiskey Comet Fillms. We're based in the Tampa - St. Pete, FL USA area. I prefer to work off-camera: producing, directing, writing and whatever else I can do to meet our team's goals. We're always looking for scripts that we can shoot on low/no budget. We're also happy to make new connections, especially in the local area. Filmmaking is a challenging endeavor, but we're having lots of fun and I'm looking forward to the future!
It's be great to see you there. All in the biz are welcome.
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Has this been abandon ???
FFN Tampa Bay Chapter still meets at the same address, third Tues each month, at 7PM, 1776 11th Av N, St Pete.
Ok thanks.... my tuesdays still aren't free....
Hello... anyone interested in joining me in the 48 hour film fest?? Aug 15 - 17?? Teams need to sign up by july 21st. $140 team fee... let me know... we have two screenwriters already...