Member Since:
June 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Israyel

I am quite confident and comfortable in front of a camera due to my past and current experiences as a model in the hair and fashion industry. Nevertheless, my biggest interest is and always has been acting. I keep improving my skills by continuously undertaking courses and acting lessons. I have no trouble memorizing my lines and am very comfortable with conveying a wide range of emotions through facial expressions which in turn makes me very versatile with a wide range of characters and personalities I can portray.
Traveling overseas for long periods of time is not an issue as I will have the company of a guardian if necessary.

Unique traits: My short hair makes me stand out from people my age.



  • SPCA Educational Series

    SPCA Educational Series (2013)
    Television by SPCA Wellington Supporting Role

  • Paramnesia

    Paramnesia (2013)
    Film (short) by Lucy Burns Lead Actress


  • Silver Medal for Spokesperson at the World Championships Of Performing Arts

  • Speech and Drama course passed with Merit

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