Genre Scifi and Fantasy Two sisters get transported into a different dimension by Dictator Dom-X. With the help of Telda the fairy guide and others, they wil...
Two sisters get pulled into a different dimension through a "dream". Dictator Dom-X kidnapped them from planet Earth into the 25th dimension. With the help o...
Uploaded by Kat Lehto on 2013-07-15.
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The pilot episode for a brand new web series about a nerd's quest to save the universe, because prophecy said so... Your comments can help determine the future of the nerds quest. What would you do if it was up to you to save the universe?
Action comedy short film by Everchanging Pictures, directed by Bryan Guardado and starring Ben Torres, Ben Ho, Joanna Webb, Brandon Araujo, Lizelle Gutierrez & Johanna Fajardo: "Life after college can be a dull routine for many people, and it is no different for college grads Ben Torres and Ben Ho.
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