Laura Pirard's Reel

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A famous artist seeks the help of a hacker to get to the bottom of her financial woes, but the motives that bring them face to face turn out to run far deeper than simple business. Shot for the 6-Month Intensive Program at Sol Acting Academy in December 2016.

Scoring Practice, aka A Video Game Tribute

This is an example of some more "epic" scoring I'm able to do. Making hypothetical scores for movies I've heard rumors about is a way for me to practice my craft while I wait for projects to come my way; they are "what if I were hired for this film" scenarios for me to play with. When I heard that my all-time favorite video game series, Mass Effect, was being considered for the big screen, I had to do something. This is just one idea I came up with for opening credit music - probably my...

Saving Face (48-Hour Film Project 2011)

I was almost afraid I wouldn't get the score done in time for this one! I did it all on editing day - the day the film was due. That's what happens when you try wearing more than one hat for a 48-Hour Project, I guess. My acting scene starts at about 4:34; absolutely nothing extraordinary, but everyone starts somewhere, right? Fun fact: I have no car, no license, nada - but I bet you can't tell! I drove that truck for several takes on the back roads in The Middle of Nowhere, NM to film this...

By the Book (48-Hour Film Project 2010)

My score for By the Book took under six hours to complete. It's one I'm still very proud of. Film synopsis: Two death angels bicker over the best way to deal with their next "client"... until their arguing invokes the action of their Boss.

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