I especially like the Be Yourself advice, since being yourself only comes with having confidence. One part doesn't work without all the pieces in place and that is the journey. Congrats on your late start!
I especially like the Be Yourself advice, since being yourself only comes with having confidence. One part doesn't work without all the pieces in place and that is the journey. Congrats on your late start!
Thanks Lesley.
Hi everyone, I have been hesitant about introducing myself here, since I haven't written anything for film or TV. I have, however just published a short stage play and now looking for feedback as to whether it has the 'guts' to be expanded for screen. If anyone is interested in giving it a quick rea...
Expand postHi everyone, I have been hesitant about introducing myself here, since I haven't written anything for film or TV. I have, however just published a short stage play and now looking for feedback as to whether it has the 'guts' to be expanded for screen. If anyone is interested in giving it a quick read (64 segments on Kindle), I think there is a way to gift you the e-book from Amazon. Thanks for your support! Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/Unwritten-Rules-Lesley-Fletcher-ebook/dp/B00TNQ030... ABOUT: Written in play format - A mother experiencing behavioural and emotional difficulties with her teenage daughter conjures a plan to save her daughter at the cost of another life. The story demonstrates classic similarities between generations, while providing humour and realism against a backdrop of deceit and moral deviance. When is murder, murder? When is kidnapping, kidnapping… How crippled our society has become; moral rules are broken everyday without consequence or conscience. Not to be morose though, it is cleverly written as a light comedy which will have the reader wondering why they are laughing when so many 'rules' have been broken.
Hey Lesley, Stage 32 is definitely a place for theater professionals as well as film and tv! I've seen a ton of theater people introducing themselves this weekend - all the best in making new connections and finding new opportunities for yourself! :)
Well done top six - Best of EVERYTHING to Glenn Forbes!
Thanks! Nice to meet you.
I am a liker and a lurker and a learner and love this site for all of its energy and what it has to offer consistently . Thanks RB.
It's all about positive energy, Lesley. That's what I believe anyway. Thank you for taking the time to post. I hope you'll be less of a lurker going forward!
I wasn't aware that his film list was as packed as it is - his legacy will live on through his work which (as a whole) will likely become a classic one day. I think he would appreciate that and have a good laugh at the thought.
He as great actor director may he rest in peace and wish all family all the best in this moment on sadness.
Hi and thanks for the invitation. I am in Montreal as you may know. Just visited your website and may be in touch in the new year. No head shots necessary :)
Hi Lesley, thank you for the compliment on our site. We will be launching a completely new site sometime early next year that shows much more of what we do. Right now we are limiting our representatio...
Expand commentHi Lesley, thank you for the compliment on our site. We will be launching a completely new site sometime early next year that shows much more of what we do. Right now we are limiting our representation to acting, but our vision is always about finding good partners in growth, so we stay open to discussing all possibilities. You may also want to follow us on Facebook to see our frequent updates…. https://www.facebook.com/RAPRinc?ref=hl wishing you a happy holidays and very creative new year!
I will keep track via FB page, here or LinkIn - Having an on site art gallery is charming, especially in the district St. Henri. It fits.
Playing a little devil's advocate here. Josh Olson seems to be beating himself up quite a bit. He is simply begging everyone not to ask him in a bully -like fashion - but the undercoating is that he actually feels deeply uncomfortable with saying no. I picture him repeating the line over and over in...
Expand postPlaying a little devil's advocate here. Josh Olson seems to be beating himself up quite a bit. He is simply begging everyone not to ask him in a bully -like fashion - but the undercoating is that he actually feels deeply uncomfortable with saying no. I picture him repeating the line over and over in the mirror. Unlike others here who think him to be a super-jerk and worse - I get it. Back up and take your work to someone a workshop as Nicholas suggests. I spent hours pouring over a friend's (ex-friend now) manuscript and even edited the first 78 pages, supplying a list of questions and comments, trying to be positive and giving really sound advice of which she took none. Fast forward two years and she has tapped on me again though not implemented any changes because she 'feels' her work will break the sales charts if she only wrote a fantastic proposal letter. So I will go to the mirror now and repeat Josh's mantra but likely change up the wording a bit :). Oh and Josh - btw - My synopsis is comprised of the best three sentence you will ever read in your career.
I just read the article on saving the bomb Runner Runner. It just blows my mind that a decent cast and a great story premise can appear to have been mangled to the point of being deemed un-salvageable. So once again I can ask myself - what do You know?
Well, we all know the old William Goldman saying as it relates to Hollywood - "No one knows anything" This one, according to many, got ruined somewhere between concept and the director's vision.
I really have to stop lurking and start participating. Soon, very soon. Great site here. Congrats to everyone who stepped closer to their dreams.
Dive in, Lesley! We'd love to see more of you around here!
I definitely learned something from this. http://venturebeat.com/2013/01/22/why-this-jilted-kickstarter-backer-dec......
Expand postI definitely learned something from this. http://venturebeat.com/2013/01/22/why-this-jilted-kickstarter-backer-dec...
Indeed. He should have known ahead of time that shipping and handling is an important part that you need to put there in the beginning. And certainly not for more money.
Thanks for posting this! Yup.. if one makes promises in exchange for money.. one has to deliver the goods.
Hi Lesley, Thanks for the connection. I'm looking forward to hearing about your work/projects here. I'm also on twitter if you want to join me there: http:www.twitter.com/maxmusiccouk Cheers, MAX http://www.max-music.co.uk
Your likelihood of selling or optioning a script increases significantly if you have a RECOMMEND from a reputable agency. I've been unlucky enough to work with some that are less than ethical just to find a remarkably similar project hit the arena after sending my script to them. I've found a few th...
Expand postYour likelihood of selling or optioning a script increases significantly if you have a RECOMMEND from a reputable agency. I've been unlucky enough to work with some that are less than ethical just to find a remarkably similar project hit the arena after sending my script to them. I've found a few that are great to work with however: http://www.afilmwriter.com/
It's important to remember that it's not about getting coverage or notes, but WHO you get coverage or notes from. I have one client who for years got notes from his friends who had nothing to do with...
Expand commentIt's important to remember that it's not about getting coverage or notes, but WHO you get coverage or notes from. I have one client who for years got notes from his friends who had nothing to do with the industry, so getting a pro coverage was a HUGE eye opener for him. Different providers will have different offerings - from a "comments only" type thing that gives you a temperature gauge on the material, all the way to studio type or development notes, that really dig in to the material on a more specific level. It really depends on the provider - with some guys, like Rob Ripley, the basic notes are plenty because he gives so much. Same goes for Andrew Hilton, though I've seen his studio type notes and they're INSANE (in a good way... )
I've had loads of my clients go to him - Since I ran ScriptShark for 6 1/2 years, I became really loyal to specific analysts that really "showed up" again and again, like Andrew & Rob. Nowadays when m...
Expand commentI've had loads of my clients go to him - Since I ran ScriptShark for 6 1/2 years, I became really loyal to specific analysts that really "showed up" again and again, like Andrew & Rob. Nowadays when my clients get notes back from Andrew (assuming he's the one you wanted to know about), I usually review as well, and I can tell you that I've never been disappointed by his work. He's a good guy, and really cares to put in great work. I have nothing invested in either him or Rob - I just really respect their work, and know they are an amazing resource to the writers who use them.
ha, let me tell you my pip-off stories, and how Fussbook helped pull them off. It's why I'm here
thank you dear Lesley :-), like to be connected with you
A pleasure Eva. Hope you are doing well :)
"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize." Robert Hughes Bring on the Butterflies!
It is usually when I am at my most confident that life comes by and reminds me who is boss. Beautiful quote, Lesley.
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