Paul Nicholls

Paul Nicholls


Toronto, Canada

Member Since:
November 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Paul

Acting is my hobby.

The acting bug bit me when I was a kid, and I've been an eager student ever since.

I enjoy watching and dissecting actors' performances, and how they affect me. I absorb all the characterizations I admire then re-deploy them when I see an opportunity in my projects.

I'm reminded of a paraphrased t.s. eliot quote: "Immature actors imitate; mature actors steal."

I love being on set collaborating with my fellow actors and crew to create engaging entertainment. Have a look at the pictures on the Photos page to share in some of the on-set hijinks.

These days I typically don’t audition anymore. Toronto’s producers and directors know how to get in touch with me, and when they need a strong character actor, they know whom to ask.

Unique traits: It's all about character. I'll bring my own unique spin on whatever you give me. Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Oh, and I'm NOT a prima donna...just a



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