Allen Milford Vanik

Allen Milford Vanik


Phoenix, Arizona

Member Since:
August 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Allen

Currently, I am returning to my acting studies, B&W Photography and working on Marketing after performing as Joseph in, "It's a Wonderful Life". Prior to that I was Mr. Brownlow in "Oliver!" both for the Don Bluth Front Row Theatre in Scottsdale.
I also Narrated a Live production of Honegger's "King David" with Orchestra and Choir at St Barnabas on the Desert in Scottsdale and was called back to Narrate, "Saul". In addition, I voiced Copy in my own recording facility for "Station Voice" TV clients, a business I started 26 years ago.
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from Seattle University, a Jesuit Liberal Arts college, and years of experience .. living Life (usually good training for an Actor).
Over the last 48 years, .. I performed on Radio, here in Phoenix on KOY; on Television in Seattle as a Host of Live events for the NBC affiliate and as Reporter/Anchor for the ABC affiliate and I performed On-Camera and Voice-Over Narrations and Commercials for a variety of clients.
I am studying Acting with Acting Coach Joe Bousard.
My website, with voice demo, is:





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