Boy she can climb, That Window @ Waverly Abbey 8ft High
How she got into the fire place
My Mate Sitting on a wabbly bridge at Waverly Abbey
Looking through the empty Window
Hurry up I'm on Tip Toes
The Monks did not leave a seat
1800 Waverley Abbey
A Very Rare White Peacock
The Harvest Moon we took this with my 30 zoom camra out side our front door
This is like the one on my Back
Found on Face Book
Months of the year
Sleep in Heaven
Days of the week in Welch
Wavley Abbey
I love Wales
Wales a Place to Remember
Me & my friend
My Face on a close up @ Waverly Abbey
Special Lights singles
Sitting Pritty
I thought I washed the windows
where is the light
Some Wonderful Animals we must save them
baby Duck found in the park
Gray Squirrel Caught in our Garden
I Know I'm Beautiful but Please Save me.....?
Me & My Husband after a naked shoot
this is the photo taken on a shoot in Kent
Me in Black & Blue
Me in Purple
Me in Red
I am a Model But what am I thinking