Member Since:
August 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Peter

I'm a Sweden born actor who, after a decades pause following other creative paths, returned to try the acting thing and went to Prague Film School in 2011 and studied film acting. While there I got my first high profile gig in the Korean/international blockbuster sci-fi movie Snowpiercer. I currently reside back home in Malmö, Sweden looking for new acting opportunites both locally and globally, while working on short films and commercials and the like.

I have chosen to just call myself an actor here on Stage 32 to avoid confusion, but I could easily tick musician, camera operator, writer, photographer, singer and so on as well. Trying my best to be a renaissance man...

Even tho I've only checked one occupation on the list, I have knowledge and experience in many fields.




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