Helen Pritchard's Lounge Discussions

Aaron Dawkins

I'm looking to invest in a DSLR, which camera gives you the best options?

Roberto DePalo

The Canon 7D has worked wonderfully for me and many others

Brian Berneker
Ralph Barnette

The 7D and 5D are great cameras for what they are good for but better options are available for the money depending on what one needs to do. For instance, the BMCC Pocket camera in many instances perf...

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Brian Berneker

It always comes down to application and budget. There are a lot of options that can make it confusing for some people, but that's really a good thing, because more options are finally becoming accessible for a reasonable price.

Charles Tentindo

I'd like to throw my hat in on this one... I've used a LOT of cams, but I am a Panasonic guy. I love my cams: https://vimeo.com/51416194 Panasonic AF-100 The first DSLR hybrid and my brilliant little...

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Courtney Prince
Tips on how to be a great talent and an Agents BFF

New blog up on Tips to make you a great talent, and an Agent's BFF! Feel free to read, comment or share! Happy Hump Day Everyone! http://www.talentcoachingbycourtney.com/blog/2013/10/02/Tips-to-make-you......

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Courtney Prince

Thanks Sarah... Its nice to know someone actually reads what I post, lol! :)

Tiffy Diamond

Great List. As a Producer I can't say how important it is Talent LOOK like their photo. I understand that you got that one shot where you resemble Kate Hudson, but if you come in looking like a comple...

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Courtney Prince

So true Tiffy! Thanks for the comments!

Kar Gustafson

love this - so true!

Helen Pritchard

Hi there Courtney, great help with the tips you mention. look forward to hearing more. Thanks

Paul Sumares
Successful Collaborations Found at Stage 32

Hey folks, Just wanted to drop a note to encourage those who might be wondering about the value of this site. Taken by itself, just the experience of discovering the vast number of creative people who are enthusiastic and knowledgeable about film making here has been enriching for me, and continues...

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Theresa Clark

Yes, I've made a few positive connections as well... an audition, potential writing partners, etc.

Janet Scott

Well done Mark..... way to go.... Now how to find myself a writing partner to co write with....

Suzanne Sadler

Wonderfully stated! Thank you for sharing.

Arhynn Descy

Wonderful to hear, Paul! And well done on all the work.

Paul Sumares

Thanks so much, Arhynn! I'm looking forward to gaining more professional experience as many of the other composers at this site have, like you. :-) I'm getting a couple of top-notch audio engineers to...

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