A group of failing monsters gather at a community center, revealing the real demons that torment them. "Sharing is scary." Starring: Ben Schlotfelt, Jude Roche, Eric Staves, Valerie Querns, Amy Hunt, Dylan Jost, Tommy Martin, & Olivia McManus Created by Tommy Martin Directed by Steve Gast
For more, please visit: www.actortommymartin.com Scene Breakdown: SELF-DEPORTATION The Firefighter is part of a series of dreamlike landscapes from 'Real America' in which an Asian American woman raises questions about our notions of home and belonging. ...
Please support our Indiegogo campaign (ends Oct. 25, 2014): http://igg.me/at/selfdeportation Self-Deportation follows the journey of an Asian American woman (played by Wanda Jin) who crosses over into a surreal world after a series of strange encounters on the subway. Caught in an endless loop of subway cars and mysterious hallways, she becomes lost in the fantastical...
Life, Liberty, and the Guarantee of Happiness Joshua Barrett is in his late 20's living in the small town of Cheery Point in the year 2017. In this world, citizens of the United States were convinced by their government in the late 1960s to conform to a new welfare program to escape the anxiety brought on by the Vietnam War. "Like" us on facebook! https://facebook.com/cheerypoint
88 Brand Partners Director: Eric Hausman
Clips from various works. More material available upon request.
What is life worth? Is it always worth living? And if someone told you they could take all your pain away, would you go along with it? Help us fund the rest of our film! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/versastudios/cheery-point-a-feature-... Check out our website...
A MIP2 Film for Columbia College Chicago Credits Written and Directed by: David DeVries Producer: Danny Agama Editor: Jordan Nelson Director of Photography: Neil Adamson G&E: Josh Romero Roz Domingo Justin Parks 1st AC: Greg Lindsey 2nd AC: Erdem Ertel Assistant Director: Lirie Ramadani Production Designer: Cara DeGrand Location Sound/Design: Jordan Nelson CAST Mo McKibbin Tommy Martin Tom McNeill David DeVries
A teaser for the upcoming Versa Studios short, "Pianissimo." Directed by Andrew Bennett. Written by Burton Matteson & Andrew Bennett. From Executive Producer Kenneth Stevenson. 2012.