Wendy Guerrera

Wendy Guerrera

Crew and Set Builder

New Orleans, Louisiana

Member Since:
August 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Wendy

Hello, I have been crew, set builder , for the most part I am a scenic painter for movies , commercials, T.V. shows, for 15 years.
I am also a Stage Hand constructing and dismantling shows for Broadway, Ballet, Opera, a Super bowl, festival , and conventions. I have worked some where over 45 different movies , T.V., commercials. I am willing to travel, I would love to learn new skills and try new careers.




  • Knuckles

    Knuckles (2017)
    scenic painter

  • Underwater

    Underwater (2017)
    by fox, Louisiana scenic paint

  • Walmart comercial

    Walmart comercial (2017)
    by Walmart scenic paint

  • Supercon

    Supercon (2016)
    by Con men productions scenic paint

  • Heart, Baby

    Heart, Baby (2016)
    by Heart, Baby Llc scenic paint, foreman paint

  • Geo Storm, reshoots

    Geo Storm, reshoots (2016)
    scenic paint

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