Michael was born on February 02, 1988, in Yonkers,New York, However Michael's birth name is Sweis Sweis, He has the same first name and last name (Sweis Sweis). His stage name is Michael Farez. When Michael was young he was always in front of a camera entertaining his family & friends. In 1997, while the parents & Michael's two older brothers moving back and forth from New York to Chicago because of family. Michael's parent's now found a perfect spot out in Arizona to settle, At 22 years old Michael took acting classes at Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC), Still working his way up, Michael has been affiliating himself working with production companies all over Arizona & has been motivating himself to work on his acting career, Michael believes living Arizona has made his mind focused, He also says it's the best place to start setting your goals that you want to accomplish before getting out there, Michael's main goal is to become an actor in the film industry & wants to have the experience to work with other directors.
Three Kings
by David O, Russell
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