Member Since:
December 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Tina



  • Taxidermy

    Taxidermy (2012)
    Film (short) by Plastic Age Productions Lead/Jocelyn

  • Forced Entry

    Forced Entry (2012)
    Film by Black Eye Entertainment Lead/Alyssa

  • One Afternoon

    One Afternoon (2012)
    Film by Sweet Berry Wine Productions Lead/Jennifer

  • The Club

    The Club (2011)
    Film (short) by Rich Mahogany Productions Supporting/Kim

  • What They Say

    What They Say (2011)
    Television by Spook Show Entertainment Inc. Supporting/Lilly

  • Epitaph: Bread and Salt

    Epitaph: Bread and Salt (2011)
    Film (short) by Time Code Mechanics Supporting (voice over)

  • Afraid of Sunrise

    Afraid of Sunrise (2010)
    Film by Fathead Films Featured Extra/Vampire


  • ActOne Studios

  • Acting Studio Chicago

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