Troels Christian Jakobsen

Troels Christian Jakobsen

Copenhagen, Denmark

Member Since:
December 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Troels

Educated at The National Playwright Education of Denmark, worked in theater, film and TV for among others The Royal Theater, Zentropa and DR TV-DRAMA. Worked 5 years in Greece for Greek film companies as scriptwriter and consultant for the Greek Film Institute. Have founded Teater 770° Celsius - a company dedicated to the IRL-method for devolping and performing drama.




  • The Unseen Man

    The Unseen Man Comedy Drama A young, Greek student leaves her mother to find her unknown father in chaotic Athens, where she becomes an accidental hero, when saving many people from a fire, and ends up embroiled in intrigue, poltical tensions and a potential war with Turkey, while still just trying to find her father – the unseen man.

  • The Weather Wonder Boy

    The Weather Wonder Boy Family A childrens theater play about a young man dedicated to making the perfect weather forecast, isolated from the worlds chaos, haunted by memories of his mother's death, he is one day disturbed by a young woman, who just wants to fly around the world, but always gets lost and never off the ground – can they together break their isolation and find a pattern in chaos?

  • Human Error #1

    Human Error #1 In a world obsessed with striving for perfection, the faulty ones can only find salvation through their shortcomings. A fantasy about a man, claiming to be an android from the future, without emotions seeking to understand laughter and searching for Alan Turing, the inventor of artifical intelligence, an epos about our culture spanning three periods, 2001, 1971 and 1941.


  • Dramatikeruddannelsen ved Aarhus Teater

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