In Her First Life 512p. hardcover. 'She was only 12, and walking home from school down dusty Crispus Attucks Road in Reedville, Arkansas, when first life ended.
HD & 4K Book trailer:
In Her First Life 512p. hardcover. 'She was only 12, and walking home from school down dusty Crispus Attucks Road in Reedville, Arkansas, when first life ended.
HD & 4K Book trailer:
In Her First Life 512p. hardcover. 'She was only 12, and walking home from school down dusty Crispus Attucks Road in Reedville, Arkansas, when first life ended.
HD & 4K Book trailer:
In Her First Life 512p. hardcover. 'She was only 12, and walking home from school down dusty Crispus Attucks Road in Reedville, Arkansas, when first life ended.
HD & 4K Book trailer:
In Her First Life 512p. hardcover. 'She was only 12, and walking home from school down dusty Crispus Attucks Road in Reedville, Arkansas, when first life ended.
HD & 4K Book trailer:
BAAAD IDEA - RomCom screenplay. "But I have a 3-year-old daughter, sir. I teach Social Studies, for god-sake."
A bright, young black lawyer with a dead, white former lover - and a new wife - discover "No secret lasts forever."
Lovers' vow: "If it takes forever, I will wait for you."
A book of inspiration, fulfillment, and encouragement about valuing every aspect of your life.
Fugitive CIA agent, Sean Ryan, targeted for “retirement” by his own agency is forced to come out of hiding to save us all.
When the precocious 7-year-old daughter of a black Marine and his white wife – both deceased – is adopted by her mother’s sister, she and her mysterious terrier are joined by unseen forces to save her and her parents from ruthless bad guys.
A Texas-born, billionaire baby-boomer’s life-long love of baseball shapes his adulthood, and leads him to a final effort to connect with his ailing father.
Emma, a feisty optimist in the fight of her life, only wanted a dog for her 7th birthday; the terrier she received was from a pet store that never existed.